How to Install Sourcerer

How to Install Sourcerer Decompiler in Joomla!


Installing the Sourcerer decompiler extension on your Joomla! website is easy. You can install it using the Regular Labs Extension Manager, which you can get from the developer's website. You must enter your Download Key to install it. Read more about the installation process here. You can also update the extension through the Joomla Updater. The update process does not require any uninstallation; all files will be automatically updated while preserving your settings.

Using the Joomla! Administrator Control Panel

Sourcerer can be installed via the core Joomla Installer or using the extension manager from Regular Labs. The former is very easy to install and use, especially if you already have multiple Regular Labs extensions, like the Pro version. The latter requires PHP 8.0 or higher to be fully functional. If you're unsure of how to install Sourcerer, please contact the developers of the extension.

The next step is to install a custom module that uses PHP. In order to install a custom module, go to Extensions - Module Manager and click on the New button. After you've done this, go to the Extensions - Module Manager and click the 'Download Key' link. Sourcerer will then be installed and enabled in the Extension Manager.

Using the Regular Labs Extension Manager

To install Sourcerer decompiler in Joomla, you can either use the core Joomla Installer or the Regular Labs Extension Manager. Regular Labs Extension Manager is more convenient, as it will not require you to install the Sourcerer extension separately. Also, using the Extension Manager will save you time, as it will automatically update all the files and settings. This method is ideal for users with many Regular Labs extensions and those with the Pro version of Sourcerer.

To install Regular Labs extensions, you can use the core extension manager of the Joomla! Administrator Control Panel. The Regular Labs Extension Manager will update all the files automatically, but be aware that you may lose the configuration settings after updating. If you're unsatisfied with the functionality of your extension, you can easily uninstall it by using the Regular Labs Extension Manager.

The Sourcerer system plugin allows you to change the name of tags in the output source. When using Sourcerer, make sure to use the double bracket syntax for each tag to avoid removing it during the installation process. If you're unsure about a particular syntax, you can check its output source to see whether it has any errors. You can also modify security settings in the Sourcerer Pro version by installing the system plugin.


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